Event Description
I learned music and the fiddle with some study at the Hartt College of Music. I have traveled dozens of times to Canada to immerse myself in the traditional music. I sang “Carmina Burana” in a chorale while learning music. As a dual citizen, I auditioned successfully to participate in the Canadian Grand Masters Fiddle Contest in 2021 - one of twenty participants selected from Canada. While learning fiddle tunes, I have participated in three fiddle groups in Connecticut and Rhode Island. I have occasional jobs in French-Canadian Festivals, Elderly residences, and play monthly at the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History (Ct Historical Society) in Hartford, and twice monthly at Charlie's Pizzeria in East Hartford. I presented a program for Lifelong Learners at Middlesex Community College exploring my musical journey in detail. I have written several copyrighted tunes, some of which are on web sites in Quebec.
Goal: to revive interest in traditional dancing and dance music among all cultures.